Temple's Diary
A Tale of Benjamin Franklin's Family
In the Days Leading up to The American Revolution
Drummer knocked on our door this morning, the bearer of a little piece of paper he thought might put our minds at ease. When the new leaders of New Jersey decided to arrest my father, they ordered the Colonel entrusted with that mission to act with "all the delicacy and tenderness which the nature of the business can possibly admit." Those are the words that my kind friend had copied. They brought tears of relief from Aunt Sally.
I haven't mentioned Aunt Sally lately. She is getting heavy with the new baby and has frequent backaches. And this after months of not being able to keep her food down, especially in the morning. Uncle Richard explained calmly that this is a common condition, nothing to worry about, it only lasts a few months. As for me, I wonder how women ever have the courage to have a second child, let alone half a dozen or more. As to Aunt Jane, she is less exuberant than when she arrived, but still discovering new beauties in the poetry of Alexander Pope. They both accepted with good grace Grandfather's wish to move out. I think I know why: Sally and Jane have been whispering to each other these last few days and I finally discovered that they were planning to be in Burlington on the day of my father's trial.
— "To blow a kiss to my brother," said Sally. "He has always been such a kind brother."
— "To show support to my favorite nephew," said Aunt Jane.
But they gave up their plan. The carriage drive would have been too hard on Aunt Sally in her present condition and their plan would have infuriated Uncle Richard who feels that we should all keep out of his brother-in-law's predicament.