Plays and Players

The 1700 block of Delancey Place boasts several pleasant townhouses and is the home of Plays and Players, the city's oldest theater group. When you visit, take notice of the terra-cotta frieze above the marquee and the ancient carriage house next door at 1718. Across the street at 1711, in what was the stable of the Thaw House, there is a marvelous little bay window on the second floor with a protruding sculpture of a horse's head beneath. Farther along on the same side of the street are stables which have become architect's offices.
Delancey St. makes for a pleasant walk. Continue west to the 1800 block of Delancey.
Rittenhouse Square
- Welcome to Rittenhouse Square
- Holy Trinity (Rittenhouse Square)
- Rensselaer House
- Statuary in the Square
- Art Alliance
- Barclay Hotel
- Curtis Institute of Music
- Rock Resource Center
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church
- Locust Street houses
- Sinkler Mansion
- Print Center & Cosmopolitan Club
- Tenth Presbyterian Church
- Thaw House
- Smedley Street
- Chadwick Street
- Plays and Players
- Victorian House
- Delancey Place
- Rosenbach Museum & Library
- Church for the New Jerusalem
- Mutter Museum
- First Unitarian Church of Philadelphia