St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Just up the street is St. Paul's Episcopal Church, built in 1761. It is no longer used as a church but as headquarters for the Episcopal Community Services of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. When St. Paul's was built it was the third Protestant Episcopal Church in the city of Philadelphia. In the burial ground is the grave of Edwin Forrest (1806-72), the great tragedian known for his "Spartacus" and other dramatic roles. His feud with William Macready, the English actor, caused the 1849 Astor Place Riot in New York, in which 22 people were killed and another 36 wounded. The Forrest Theatre on Walnut Street is named in his honor.
Society Hill
- Welcome to Society Hill
- Locust Street between 4th and 5th; Magnolia and Rose Gardens
- Old St. Joseph's
- Shippen-Wistar House
- Cadwalader House
- St. Mary's Church
- House of Joseph Hopkinson
- Wharton House
- Powel House
- John Penn's House
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church
- Davis-Lenox House
- Society Hill Towers Overlooking Abercrombie House
- A Man Full of Trouble Tavern
- Tun Tavern
- American Street
- Head House
- Thaddeus Kosciuszko House
- St. Peter's Church
- Old Pine
- Presbyterian Historical Society
- Kangaroo sculpture
- Society Hill Synagogue
- Physick House