IHA Resolution
Saluting and commending the
Independence Hall Association
for its dedication to the people of America in devoting its energy and its resources to the preservation of Philadelphia's and the Nation's historic shrines.
WHEREAS, Through the perseverance of the Independence Hall Association the Congress of the United States passed legislation in 1948 creating the Independence National Historical Park so that not only Independence Hall with the Liberty Bell would be maintained but the entire historical area and its structures would be preserved, enlarged, rebuilt and maintained; and
WHEREAS, The Chairman of the Board, Judge Edwin O. Lewis, and since 1968, Arthur C. Kaufman and the directors worked closely over the years with the Independence National Historical Park Advisory Commission in planning and bringing to fruition America's great National shrine as it exists today; and
WHEREAS, Among the most recent and noteworthy achievements of the Association are the restoration of the Graff House at 7th and Market Streets where Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence; the concept and construction of the Promenade of the States; and the relocation of the Liberty Bell to make it more accessible to a greater number of visitors to our City; and
WHEREAS, The Independence Hall Association membership is actively engaged in publicizing and promoting numerous programs and projects to further enhance the traditions, the heritage, the ideals and the spirit of 1776; therefore be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we hereby salute and commend the Independence Hall Association its officers, directors and members for continuing their program of improving preserving and safeguarding Philadelphia's historic areas and structures; and we further commend them for the successful and on-time completion of the magnificent area revered as our National Shrine -- which serves as a nucleus of Philadelphia's Bicentennial Celebration.
RESOLVED, That an engrossed copy of this Resolution be presented as evidence of the sincere sentiments of this legislative body to the Chairman of the Board of the Independence Hall Association Arthur C. Kaufmann and to its President Rear Admiral Robert H. Speck H.S.N. (Ret.) on the eve of our Country's 200th Anniversary Celebration.
CERTIFICATION: This is a true and correct copy of the original Resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Philadelphia, on the 24th day of June, 1976.
President of City Council
Sponsored by Councilmen
George X. Schwartz
Harry P. Jannotti
Dr. Ethel D. Allen
Lucien E. Blackwell
Beatrice K. Chernock
Joseph E. Coleman
Melvin J. Greenberg
Louis C. Johganson
John B. Kelly, Jr.
Cecil B. Moore
Al Pearlman
James J. Tayoun
Earl Vann
Anna Cibotti Verna
Joseph L. Zazyczny