Resources for Teachers and Students

  • U.S. History: Textbook

    U.S. History

    A detailed history of the United States, from before the arrrival of Europeans on the American continent, up through the end of the 20th Century

  • Ancient Civilization: Textbook

    Ancient Civilizations

    To truly understand American history, you need to know about the ancient civilizations that rose and evolved and fell for thousands of years around the globe.

  • American Government: Textbook

    American Government

    The founding fathers created a framework for governance that has survived for over 200 years and is still going strong. Learn all about the different branches of American government, the checks and balances that exist between them, and why they work so well.

  • Declaration of Independence: Lesson Plan

    picture of history textbook

    Explore the events that led up to the American Revolution, the eight years of war with Britain and the emergence of the new American nation with carefully constructed discussion question and activities for students.

  • African-American Resources

    slave auction

    No understanding of the history of our nation is complete without a thorough knowledge of the unique struggles for justice and equality faced by African-Americans, from the early abolitionist movement up through the Civil War, the Civil Rights movement in the '60s and continuing today.

  • Philadelphia: The Great Experiment

    Philadelphia the Great Experiment

    A perfect resource for teachers. This high-quality video series follows the history of the city of brotherly love, from the early days of European settlement, through the American Revolution and continuing up through modern times.
