Articles by Ed Lawler
- The President's House in Philadelphia: The Rediscovery of a Lost Landmark The complete article by Edward Lawler, Jr., published in Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, January 2002. Article updated September, 2005.
- The President's House Revisited A sequel to the above article
- Historiography of the President's House
General History Resources
- Slavery in the North, Washington, and Oney Judge
- A Brief History of the President's House in Philadelphia by Edward Lawler, Jr.
- George Washington's Household in Philadelphia, 1790-1792
- References to People from the Presidential Household Account Books
- First-Person Accounts: The Washington Years A great number of quotations from contemporaries about the house and its occupants
- Chickasaws Visit President Washington (1794) Written by Richard Green, tribal historian
- First-Person Accounts: The Adams Years Quotations from Abigail and others about the house
- Quotations Reflections on the house from later generations.
- Samuel Fraunces: Black Man or White Man?
- Honoring Samuel Fraunces at St. Peter's June 26, 2010
- George Washington's Will July 9, 1799
- Eulogy of George Washington delivered by Richard Allen
- The Icehouse Pit Was this the first icehouse in America?
- FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions about the President's House in Philadelphia
- 1780 Gradual Abolition Act Washington arranged for his slaves to leave the state at least once every 6 months to avoid allowing them to petition for their freedom, as provided by this act.
- 1788 Amendment to the 1780 Gradual Abolition Act
- July 16, 1790 Act An Act for establishing the temporary and permanent Seat of the Government of the United States
- Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 "An Act respecting fugitives from justice, and persons escaping from the service of their masters."
Maps and Images
Floor Plans

Second floor
Third floor
- Hexamer and Locher Map 1858-62 with overlay of the President's House; plus a detail from Baxter's Directory showing the streetscape in 1859.
- Hills Map of Philadelphia 1796 John Hills Map of what is today Independence Mall.
- Burnt House Plan 1781 The property as it was in 1781
- Burt Map 1875 Nathaniel Burt's copy of the 1785 Burnt House Plan
- Flawed and corrected NPS maps, 1985 and 2002
- Ground Plan Ground Plan of the house
- Map Showing Locations of the Liberty Bell Center, the President's House, and Slave Quarters
- Plan Showing Locations and Labels agreed to by the Ad-Hoc Historians and the Park Service
Ground Plan Photo Photograph of the site, overlaid with a full-sized outline]
1951 Photograph Showing the Demolition of 524-530 Market Street