Betsy Ross House

If you're visiting Philadelphia, stopping in at the Betsy Ross House is considered almost mandatory. It's one of the most visited historic sites in Philadelphia.
If your visit piques your interest, or if you can't make it to Philadelphia just now, you'll definitely want to check out Betsy Ross and the American Flag. You can learn all about
- Betsy's Life
- Her house
- The history of U.S. flags
- How to cut a 5-pointed star in one snip
- The Flag Code
- How to fold the flag
- Location: 239 Arch St. (between 2nd and 3rd in Old City)
- Built: 1740
- Tourism information: 215-686-1252, Apr-Oct: 10am-5pm daily; Nov-March: closed Mondays; Jan & Feb: closed Mondays & Tuesdays. Admission: $5; Children/Students/Seniors/Military: $4; Audio Tour: $7 (Includes admission. Audio Tour for Children/Students/Seniors/Military: $6
- Facilities: Tour (self-guided), audio tour available ($7 including admission), gift shop, and restrooms.