Constitution Center

The only national museum for the world's oldest written constitution.
The first-ever national museum honoring and explaining the U.S. Constitution tells the story of the document that framed the American idea. The museum includes interactive exhibits and a theater with a live-actor-and-light show engagingly framing the importance of the Constitution to us as a nation and to the world.
- Built: 2003
- Admission: (Effective Jan 2, 2017): Adults: $14.50, Students (w/ ID), Seniors (65+)- $13.00 Youth (6-18) - $11.00 Children (5 & Under), Members, Active Military (W/ ID) - Free. NOTE: Special exhibitions have separate fees. Please visit their website (below) for details of shows and fees.
- Hours: Mon-Sat: 9:30 a.m.- 5 p.m.; Sun: noon-5p.m.; closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day
- Visitor Information: The theater show that begins the visitor experience runs every half hour.
- Location: 525 Arch Street, between 5th and 6th
- Official website: