The Curtis Center Museum of Norman Rockwell Art

Those viewing the art look decidely like the people in the paintings.

The museum has permanently closed.

  • Rockwell was nicknamed "Moonface" because of his large spectacles.
  • His Saturday Evening Post cover of three umpires deciding whether to call a game due to rain hangs in Cooperstown's Baseball Hall of Fame.
  • He was given a special early discharge from the navy after painting a portrait of his commanding officer.
  • Rockwell once made a pact with himself never to earn more than $50 a week and never to do advertising work. In fairness, that was when he was in art school.
  • Regarding Rockwell's famed "Freedom from Want," museum curator Marshall Stoltz has spoken with people who modeled for the painting who assure him that the elderly woman toward the bottom right of the painting is definitely not Grandma Moses — despite magazine articles and books that claim the opposite.
  • He frequently used his New England neighbors as models.


Copyright © 1999- by the Independence Hall Association, a nonprofit organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, founded in 1942. Publishing electronically as On the Internet since July 4, 1995.