Genealogy Links

There are many paid services for people seeking genealogical research assistance. These links are to searchable databases, tips and guidelines, or other free resources for genealogy research

U.S. Government Sites

    Learn how to research your ancestors at the Genealogy and Family History site, an official website of the United States government.
  • National Archives
    Resources for genealogists at the National Archives
  • United States Census Bureau
    Access United States Census data for genealogical research
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs: Genealogy
    Indian Affairs does not conduct genealogical research or maintain a database that you can query in order to find information on your ancestor, but does provide a Guide to Tracing Your Indian Ancestry and some other resources.


Maryland, Delaware, and New Jersey


Additional Resources

    A handy guide to accessing public records
  • The Genealogy Register
    Search engine and directory of surname websites
    Offers dozens of informative, beautifully illustrated articles on diverse aspects of genealogy research and free printable genealogy forms and charts.
  • Parish Chest
    Prior to 1837, British civil services did not keep records of births and marriages. Such events were instead recorded within parish (church) recorrds. Note that access to these parish records is not free, but this page contains some good free resources, with guidance on how to do genealogical research, particularly within the British Isles.
  • Surname Guide
    Tens of thousands of surnames, with listings to surname homepages.
  • Newspaper Obituaries —
    An informative and respected website designed to offer resources for obituaries, funerals and genealogy searchresources for obituaries, funerals and genealogy search.